

I was born in a small town in Central Estonia called Türi. A few years after graduating from high school, I moved to the university town of Tartu, where I began my studies at Tartu University in painting. During my studies, I also improved myself for a short time in Konrad Mägi’s painting studio, which I consider very useful and even as a turning point in my development as an artist.
I started exhibiting during my final years of university. I soon joined an artist group called Kursi Koolkond (Kursi School) , with which we hold annualy regular joint exhibitions.

Tartu became my new hometown for 15 years, until I decided to move to Finland with my family for economic reasons. This put my artistic activity on a pause, and even the identity of an artist almost completely disappeared from my mind.
Thanks to the Kursi Koolkond exhibitions, I was “forced” to make some new paintings, but in a very random way and format.

From 2023 I will be a “full-blooded painter” again. A new breath has come through the new discovery of the surface material of the old familiar plywood and delving deeper into the possibilities of its use.

Shots from the middle of stories- these words could best describe my artwork.
Tales of curiosity and contemplation on existence. Throughout my life, I have enjoyed reading epics and fairy tales.

As a child of the Soviet era, I had few opportunities to see good quality reproductions of older art, let alone original works. Fortunately, my doctor uncle had a German art book about the Brueghel brothers at home. It became one of my favorites when visiting my uncle in Tallinn. Especially the crazy and detailed paintings of Brueghel the Elder have definitely been unconscious influences on my later artwork. Bernt Notke’s “Dance of Death” seen as a child in Saint Nicholas Church in Tallinn also left an indelible impression.

Christian mysticism and Eastern philosophies
In my twenties, I also became interested in biblical stories and Eastern religions. The Bible seemed to the young man the strangest of all fairy tale books – a book that pretended to an alternative conception of history. Of course, Jesus as a person is the most inspiring and exciting character there.

I still find Asian religions to be the most practical, particularly Indian religions. The most startling thing for me is that the typical Hindu appears to draw absolutely no distinction whatsoever between the epic stories of gods and the actual historical approach. The great Bhagavad Gita, for example, is not fiction even for an educated Hindu. Krishna, Shiva, Lakshmi, Ganesha, Hanuman (you name it) – all these characters have their own reality through the personal experiences of many people.

I took electives at university to learn more about the religions of India and Tibet while I was studying art. That is most likely one of the reasons I find the nature of awareness and reality to be so fascinating these days.


I am a figurative painter – a storyteller.
The stories are created in oil and acrylic techniques mainly on burned wood  surface.

I want to have a deep connection with the material that I paint on during the entire  process. The surface structure of the wood takes part in the development of the  stories and gives the works a connection with nature itself.

I experience the whole creative process as mystical, and I want the viewer to share  this feeling. As an artist, I consider myself a silent intermediary. The forms, symbols  and characters in the works are not mine but belong to the original source.


1999-2001 Review-exhibition of Estonian painters in Tallinn Vaal Gallery, Rotermanni Salt-Storage and Tallinn Arthouse
1999 exhibition “KC” with Kaarel Vulla in Tartu Arthouse
2000-2001 International nude-art exhibition “Man and Woman” in Pärnu Chaplin Center
2002 the curator-exhibition of Jaan Toomik and Paul Rodgers in Tallinn Arthouse
2002 artists from Tartu in Tampere Finland
2003 the curator-project of Priit Pajos “Shadowside” in Tartu Arthouse
2003 the curator-project of Priit Pajos ”Shadowside 2” in Vaal Gallery, Tallinn
2003 the common-exhibition of fiend-towns in Grenaa Danmark
2003 Biennale in Väsby Konsthalle, Sweden
2004 exhibition “Black Star” in Äänekoski Finland
2006 the curator-project of Priit Pajos “Allmaal” in Albu manorhouse Estonia
2006 two-men exhibition “Brothers” with Lauri Pajos in Vaal gallery Estonia
2007 Kursi Koolkond Artist`Group in gallery Terzo Millennio Venice Italy
2010 the curator-project of Priit Pajos “Anatomy of God” Tartu arthouse gallery
2011 ”Silent Highway with Ari Liimatainen Äänekoski Hoikkassali gallery
2012 Kursi Koolkond in gallery Bastejs Riga, Latvia
2013 Kursi Koolkond XXV at Tartu Arthouse gallery, Estonia
2014 Kursi Koolkond XXV at Rigas Makslas Telpa gallery, Latvia                                                                                                                                                     2021 Kursi Koolkond in Riga2021 exhibition artist from Vantaa in Salzburg                                                                                                                                 2022 Kursi Koolkond in Viinistu Art Museum Estonia                                                                                                                                                                         2022 Kursi Koolkond Võru town gallery                                                                                                                                                                                                   2023 Kursi Koolkond XXXV Estonian National Museum, Tartu                                                                                                                                                         2023 annual exhibition of artists of Tartu in Tartu Art House

1998 Personal exhibition in Tartu Obu Gallery Estonia
1999 Personal exhibition in Paide Castle of Vallitorn Estonia
2001 Personal exhibition in Vaal Gallery Estonia
2001 Personal exhibition in Library of Tartu University Estonia
2003 Personal exhibition in Tyri Culturehouse Estonia
2004 Personal exhibition”Centaur In The Basement” kunstikeskus.ee
2004 Personal exhibition ”The human researcher” in the gallery “Just” Turku Finland
2004 Personal exhibiton “Kylas” in Mooste Gueststudio
2004 Personal exhibiton “Legends” in Y-Gallery, Tartu Estonia
2005 Personal exhibiton “Man from the forest” in Vaal Gallery, Tallinn Estonia
2006 Personal exhibition “Wonders, People and wonderpeople” in Tartu Art House Estonia
2006 Personal exhibition “Wonders, People and wonderpeople” in Saaremaa castle Estonia
2010 Personal exhibition in the “Public gallery” at the theater Vanemuine Tartu
2011 Personal exhibition in Saltbodan gallery Loviisa town                                                                                                                                                             2024 Personal exhibition “PuuSyy” in Tartu Art House Estonia